Corey over at Powers&Morrison (DeepCon runs at P&M) had a funny today that made me laugh out loud, so I thought I'd share it. Go over to her blog I Am The Change and give her a shout-out. And while your at it buy something with this label on it from Tom Bihn, Washington,USA.
Man! What is it that "capitalism" does not sanction? I bet the company is a neoconservative one, and maybe the president is a major share holder too!
I dunno n., I think it may just be for real. There are libruls in business too, dontchaknow. It's certainly no more ridiculous than freedom fries.
n., you need a massage about as badly as I do. I know Corey the tag is real, and so is its message.
Today really got me down for some reason, and I was sad to see no one commented on any of the 6 posts I put up today. Woe is me.
So this drove me nuts...The clothing company is Caalled Tom Bihn in Washington state, here's a linky:
Tom Bihn
Hey - it looks like somebody is actually doing some good work out on the peninsula. Maybe I'll go visit the Seattle store, just south of downtown. I kinda like the look of that "cafe bag"...
I think a portion of proceeds from ALL the items should go to the homeless vets, not just the t-shirt $.
Boy howdy Shoephone, ain't it the truth (did rummy just invade my speech center?)
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