This is a face like many my husband sees everyday in his capacity as a military critical care physician. These are the faces of Americans. Some who enlist are excited by the sense of adventure and patriotism sold to them by media outlets and the incessant propaganda of BushCo. Some join the military as their only option out of poverty and hopelessness. Some are actual misbegotten believers in the bullshit spouted by men who have not found this cause noble enough to fight themselves, yet have no problem sending other people's children to die.
All of them are occupying and fighting a country embroiled in a civil war, being used as a private security force at the taxpayers expense, to enable American oil companies to greedily attain more profit. Is anyone furious? Ashamed? So caught up in cynicism that they think nothing can be done to stop this senseless squandering of blood and treasure?
Do something. Write or call congress or the senate. Tell them you want our people home now. Do it because it actually matters. The music is playing. Face it and please, dance.
H/T to Minstrel Boy for the photo.
You really know how to hit that message home. Great post.
To the point, and motivating.
It sounds like all the Dem presidential hopefuls are getting the message, and hopefully they will lead the way in not buckling under to Bush's veto threat.
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