Which part of 'delusional liar' are Americans not understanding? John McLiar went to Iraq announced it was safe and when called on his bullshit, sics the
wingnut bloggers on CNN reporter Mick Ware. The McCain and Lindsey 'Huckleberry' Graham "tour" was preceded by a security sweep and during their "
stroll" were protected by over 100 soldiers, 3 Blackhawk helicopters, 2 Apache warships and they were both wearing bullet-proof vests. Sound safe to you? Huckleberry touted his shopping prowess by bragging about his 5-rugs-for-$5. Way to rip off the locals Huckleberry. If you haven't heard this yet, check
Think Progress' round-up of McCain's nonsense. And by the way,
snipers were back on duty today at the very market visited by The GOP numbnut liars last week.I do so hope this ends his presidential run.
Stick a fork in McCain - he's done.
I wonder how much this little photo op cost the US tax payer?
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