Saturday, March 24, 2007

Impeach Gonzo

Read Robert Kuttner's "Gonzales Should Be Impeached".
Gonzales, the nation's highest legal officer, has been point man for serial assaults against the rule of law, most recently in the crude attempt to politicize criminal prosecutions. Obstruction of a prosecution is a felony, even when committed by the attorney general.
Read the rest...


Dr Victorino de la Vega said...

Hi Turtleman,

Glad to see “La RĂ©sistance” to Pharisaic thought control is on the rise in America and the world.

But frankly, impeachment isn’t enough: why don’t we just hang him high for high treason?

Plus this would fit nicely with Dubya’s pseudo-Texan “Western” values!




Naj said...

Dr. V, it's Turtle lady!

Hope, I haven't been able to leave comments here, it takes for EVER to load.

HopeSpringsATurtle said...

Dearest Naj...thanks for the 'gender correction' and I've changed the number of days that post as to alleviate the long load time. I have posted so many more music videos lately and I forget that they take so long to load. I was a professional DJ for many years and still find music to be inspirational and solace, so I've been posting more music. Thanks for the heads up as I wouldn't have thought about load times. I'm still such a baby in the blogosphere.

Anonymous said...

Hope, good move on limiting the number of post displayed per page. Now if you could grep around Blogger and see if there's an option you can select to look at "Previous" and "Next" page of posts to make navigation easier, especially when you go on a tear posting.