Duh. Now the story. Also, note how when the going gets tough, Junior puts a woman in charge. he's such a typical 'mama's boy.' Acting Army Surgeon General, Maj. Gen Gale Pollock said, “When the original plans were made, we did not take into consideration we could be in a long war.”
From the MSNBC story that TP cites:
Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., said a first step is to provide the VA and Pentagon the money they need to treat problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. A Senate bill that provides $122 billion to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan includes millions to build polytrauma centers and hire new claims processors.
So the PTSD victims are supposed to wait how many years until these centers are completed? Why doesn't Congress quickly implement a way for these folks to be funded for treatment at civilian hospitals until the mlitary/veterans system reaches the needed capacity?
First, as we all know virtually nothing that happens in government happens quickly. The VA eventually do get people with TBI into private facilities. To note: Michael Boothby who was featured in the the Woodruff special, live not far from me. He is NOW receiving all the care that he needs, due in no small part to the public attention he received in "To Iraq and Back." That is one reason I post on Veterans so often because we need the light. Vets rarely complain, and we know its the squeaky wheel that gets the grease from this administration in particular, unless of course, you're a Katrina survivor then it's still "screw you."
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