Interesting new post up at Kos, seems Halliburton is moving--moving it's headquarters to Dubai. I guess the administration needs somewhere to go after they're impeached. And it looks like they'll be comfortable.Halliburton to Move Headquarters To Dubai, Keeping Office in Houston
DUBAI -- U.S. oil services giant Halliburton Co. will shift its corporate headquarters from Houston to Dubai, Chief Executive Dave Lesar said Sunday.
New Update from Kos
From the DKos diary:
Or that it is suddenly becoming safer to stay away from US law enforcement authorities?
Yuh-huh. And away from Congressional subpoeana power. Calling congressional Dems - pass something quick to punish them financially.
And the odds makers take another hit. I wonder if the company will be able to rip of their new government hosts as well as they've ripped off the US?
I say we negotiate an extradition treaty with Dubai pronto.
I say we negotiate an extradition treaty with Dubai pronto.
Condyloma will get right on that...
I heard she sent FEMA...
This is just so blatant of them; they might as well be parading through D.C. with signs saying, "F-U, Congress!" It's infuriating.
The sleazy, money grubbing bastards will avoid paying taxes too. On top of the 2.7 billion dollars the traitors stole from us in Iraq.
They do this because no one opposes them. No one. Not the SEC, not the democrats, not the DoJ, no one. I've become so discouraged. Sigh.
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