Found over at Progressive Gold. Someone needs to set this sister straight(no pun intended) about what her actual message is...Maybe she's just against Gay computers.
A blog for the politically curious, angry American. "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." - Goethe "It's never too late to become the person you might have been." - George Elliot
Wow. Maybe she's a parody wingnut?
Now THAT's what I call deep confusion. I'm talking the 'have we taken our medication today?' kind of confusion. LOL!
-thanks for the laugh, Hope.
It's so hard to tell...especially with the rev. Phillips crowd. I tried to zoom in and find the organization I think she supports. Her button says "I agree with the SJC" no luck on that one...who knows but it did make me chuckle. Thanks for stopping by Eli and SBT, I always enjoy seeing you both.
If the "devil machine" is turning evryone gay then maybe we won't have any more WARS. After all gays can't be in the army...right?
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