WTF is wrong with Peter Pace? Why is he smiling? Is something funny about a 22 year-old man who dies after falling on a live grenade to save his companions? Clearly the effects of the diabolical koolaid the top brass in Washington have been drinking has set in. Notice the appropriately somber faces of the Dunham family and how terribly wrong Pace's smiling pie-hole looks.

Newsweak does an interesting story on the top brass and how we should blame them for our failure in Iraq. I say there is plenty of blame to go around.
H/T to Lotus for the Newsweek link.
The body language is telling too, isn't it? The family inching away from Pace as far as the photographer will allow . . .
So true. The madmen (and Condy)running the country right into the ground are truly diconnected from reality. This photo proves it.
I don't know who the woman in the back row, left is but I'm guessing it's Jason's brother's girl friend. Or maybe a Pace aide, since she is set off from the family as well.
The last person I would want to receive a Medal of Honor from would be this president, who hasn't even got a passing acquaintance with honor; it would stick in my throat to have to accept this well-deserved award from a coward and a liar and a cheat.
Pace's smile is out of place, though to be fair, he isn't the only one wearing one. Whoever that is to Pace's left looks ready to guffaw, her grin is so huge.
Here is the Google search result which may indicate how much value is placed on a Medal of Honor right now:
Your search - "jason denham" marine corporal - did not match any documents.
Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
Try different keywords.
Try more general keywords.
Try fewer keywords.
Pace must be emitting some kind of powerful happiness radiation, since the closer people are to him, the smilier they are.
It appears to be an exponential effect which tapers off pretty quickly.
Given the youthful appearance of the woman next to Pace, her smile is most likely out of excitement at being in in White House and being photographed with someone 'famous'. Her I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Pace is in his 50's, been in the WH many times and I'm pretty sure he was aware that a young man lost his life in a horribly tragic way.
What's his excuse?
Marc that is tragic information.
There are links to much info about Jason in the paragraph that I mention him in my "Spilt Milk" post.
The website I link at the bottom of the post has several links to information about the life of this young man.
Hope, the reason there are no Google responses to that search is that his name isn't "Denham" it's "Dunham." You might want to go through the post and make the necessary corrections.
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