The only antidote for the venom espoused by this hateful man's rabid dog approach to foreign policy, congress and the American people is impeachement. Cheney is the roadblock to success in Iraq. How anyone can argue that "supporting the troops" is to keep them in harm's way? And increase their numbers? This is not only foolish but dangerous. If Dick Cheney weren't so scary and wasn't the vice-criminal in charge, people would point and laugh at his ridiculous posturing. "We have had tremendous successes in Iraq and will continue to have tremendous success..." Pure delusion. Jeffery Feldman has a great piece up on Reframing Dick.
I agree, and having a "news" media as represented by Wolfy kiss-ass Blitzer is also dangerous.
"Cheney is the roadblock to success in Iraq."
That's a great frame. Would look nice on the wall of Congress.
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