I just wanted to convey my congratulations to the new Speaker of the House, the Honorable Nancy Pelosi. I am a CA 8th congressional district voter and I couldn't be happier. Godspeed Speaker Pelosi on your mission to change this, the 110th congress, into something all Americans can be proud of. I also want to convey my support for the new Democratic Congress and Senate, most particularly to our first Muslim Congressman, Representative Keith Ellison.
"Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men." -Goethe
Nancy had the best record of unanimity as Democratic minority leader for a long time - certainly better than Dick Gephardt. She knows what she's doing, and I'm very hopeful about her chances of pulling off some good things for the country.
That's my congressman behind her...
woo hoo shoe...your congressman and my speaker...Man I hope this pans out...
I watched C-Span ALL DAY yesterday... (and C-Span2!). My face hurt by the end of the day due to so much smiling.
Soon we'll all find out if those smiles were warranted or wasted.
Here's to 2007! (Imagine me hlding a drink in my hand and toasting!)
"Clink, clink" Carl. Happy New Congress to ya, I hope this new congress goes well.
Carl...when Nancy was announced as "Madame Speaker" I actually started to cry.
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