Who's business is it? Just wondering why the USAF with its readiness issues and a "war"/occupation on, a severely strained military, why they would care what someone does in the privacy of one's bedroom. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.
From Military.Com:
Female Airman Punished for Threesome
SPANGDAHLEM AIR BASE, Germany - A Spangdahlem-based airman was sentenced Monday to four months confinement for her part in a sexual act with two other airmen. [ ] She faced a maximum sentence that included as many as 10 years in a military prison, but Air Force prosecutors argued for a lighter sentence of two years. read the rest...
Sounds like the drunken staff sergeant complained. If the stupid sot didn't consent, then that's a diffeent story. (Of course, we can't really tell what the story is from that article.)
I got the same impression Op. I think maybe somebody else may have squealed to a commander; the SSgt. folded like a cheap suit and blamed the other participants. Regardless, it should still be a non issue.
I know people, active duty USAF officers who have gotten into trouble for albeit different, but equally private and stupid incidents such as this one.
Bottom line, this current all volunteer wartime military is a different beast than the one I served in. While reading the comments connected to the linked article, many of the USAF veterans expressed the same sentiment. The 'brownshirts' have taken over the US military and there seems hardly any impetus to stop them. Much like their commander-chimp-in-charge, they just get away with everything.
That's the problem with screwing someone drunker'n you. They can cry rape and you have no defense. And in some cases that's right.
My stepdaughter was broken in rank (USAF)and punished for simply being engaged to someone who's divorce wasn't final yet. Seems the fundie's moral codes are the law, at least in the military. Pretty much insane, IMHO!
I need to reiterate, this is not my Air Force! It was never like this when I was active duty. The USAF in particular was always pretty easy going. Today's military is full of zealots, criminals and nazi-wanna-be's...
It's no mistake that in in the midst of a unjust, illegal, occupation of a formally sovereign country, by an "all-volunteer" force, where standards for membership have been relaxed to the degree that the military now accepts convicted criminals, that the participants of such a 'force' are either authoritarian personalities, wingnuts, or just plain criminals.
The desire to join the military used to be about serving your country and protecting it from without; now it's about establishing and supporting a conservative, repressive, agenda dictated by the bush administration. It is a sad time in American history.
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