As far as the Bay to Breakers, it was about 60,000 participants strong and one of us got our name in the paper for placing in the first 10,000.
Hope everyone had a stellar weekend. I haven't yet checked the news, but did update the casualty figures from Iraq (22 more dead since Thursday), and caught enough of the talking heads this weekend to see they buried the latest saga of Gonzo-gate on page 27, so to speak. This media malfeasance has got to stop. This administration clearly lobs so many bombs, it's hard to keep up with the damage they inflict much less try to correct it. It is so time to throw the bums out.
It is so time to throw the bums out.
That kind of goes with your graphic, lol.
Which one is you, Hope?
Ummm...the only chick in the pic Eli, duh...
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