Shoephone over at Evergreen Politics has eulogized Jerry Falwell's passing. Though it is said one should not speak ill of the dead, I cannot help but feel relief at the passing of one of the most virulent racist, anti-Christians to have walked the earth.
Jerry Falwell was a racist; a bigot extraordinaire. He called the civil rights movement, “the civil wrongs movement.” Said of Desmond Tutu he was "a fake" after he won the Nobel peace prize. Supported Apartheid. Told his supporters to buy Krugerrands in order to support the horror that was Apartheid. Berated his ‘flock’ to give until it hurt, regardless of how poor. Said MLK Jr. was not a real Christian. Covered-up Jim Bakker’s affair, in order to steal the PTL Club.He was the original 'Gay-hater.' He is a piece of human garbage and should be eulogized as such. He was pure evil. Who could hate MLK Jr. but an absolute fuckstick?? Jimmy Carter, the consummate gentleman, said of Falwell, "He can go to hell." That says it all.
From Shoephone's post:
Jerry Falwell's dead. Or "Jimmy Cracked Corn and I Don't Care."read the rest...
No reports yet on what killed him. Maybe he was struck down by the Lawd for saying all those hideous things about anyone and everyone who didn't follow his strict religious doctrines? Nah, it was probably just your basic heart attack. If only he had used his powers for good, instead of evil...
Thanks to reader Op99, I'm linking the Carpetbagger Report of Jerry Falwells' record of injustice.
Steve Benen documents the atrocities.
Satan welcomed Jerry with open arms.
Good start! Now if Pat Robertson, the Current Regime, Flush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Hannity, Bill O' Liely, etc. could only follow....
Why isn't Flush in jail? did he even go to trial? Did he ever go to rehab?
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