My apologies for not posting in two days. I have been busy with home and family life. Saturday, my husband was promoted. We had the ceremony at our house with members of all branches military in attendance. We were all in uniform, with military brass present. We used the US flag that was draped over the coffin at my husband's Grandfather's military funeral as a backdrop. The flag has not been unfurled until this special event. The ceremony was simple and honorable.

Congratulations to Mr. Turtle and condolences to 10 more families.
Ugh umm...that's Dr. Turtle. Much thanks Eli.
Congratulations! The promotion serving as an occasion for unfurling the flag is a wonderful acknowlegment of the continuing story of service.
Congratulations, Dr. Turtle! The doc perhaps could have done it without your support, Hope, but why tempt fate? Good on you, too.
Thanks Op. I've had the same sentiment conveyed to me by Dr. Turtle's commanding officer...makes me feel good to support my troop.
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