How many more Americans, how many more Iraqis, how many more military families must lose a loved one? Today we stand at three thousand, four hundred American military deaths.The politicians in Washington continue to posture as more die and suffer. From the point of view of a soldier that's been there, I've linked the blog "From My Position" Our politics are not in concurrence but there's very little tangling with the facts this war-injured soldier provides. Take a look and then, please contact your representatives in congress and the senate and DEMAND they cut off funding and bring the troops home. Enough is enough.
UPDATE: 3401 Dead, 5:51PM
My 5/06/06 viewing of "Loose Change", Dylan Avery and Korey Rowe's 911 conspiracy theory film, has altered my world view. That viewing has inspired this Blog, and its title
Sad that, what are you like 12?
Squibs yeah? Proves it! The Illuminati snuck in there over the weekend and wired the place to explode.
I'm ashamed.
Not sure what your point is "mom," Did you stop by to insult or agree?
9/11 was an inside job, of that I am certain. It is not possible that the USAF did not send fighter planes up until nearly 2 hours after the first plane hit without a "stand-down" order. NORAD was aware that planes were being hijacked. It just wouldn't happen.
I served in the USAF on the flight line, getting planes up for PRECISELY the type of events that occurred on 9/11. Air security is our job, our unique and specific mission.
Anyone who thinks 9/11 was perpetrated by 19 Arabs and a guy on dialysis in cave without assistance from OUR government, at the very least, is drinking koolaid.
Wake up and smell the fascism sister.
9/11 was an inside job, of that I am certain.
Oh dear. How your father and I ever raised such ignorance I will never know, probably his weak sperm, there is retardation on his side of the family you know.
I'd direct you to a well-known link but it is written by people who research and stuff and we all know people like that are bought and paid for by the vast illuminati conspiracy.
I served in the USAF on the flight line
Of course you did, dear, much like your father and Tuck snuck into Vietnam in a bulletproof assault raft to rescue those poor forgotten POWs.
mom, you funny, but you really need to find a hobby...
Hopey, you got your very own gadfly - how exciting.
Anyone who doesn't believe that the Bush administration, at the very least, made a concious decision to ALLOW the next big terrorist attack to succeed, in order to justify their agenda as specified in the Project for a New American Century, is a koolaid drinker, willfully blind, or woefully uninformed.
I love the Rambo reference...I had no idea I was so 'butch'...
mom, you funny, but you really need to find a hobby...
Oh I'm far too busy to start a silly blog, dear.
I love the Rambo reference...I had no idea I was so 'butch'...
Rambo? Honey, your father always thought he was Chuck Norris, something about having a beard appealed to him. And I would never call you 'butch', sweetheart, altho I wish you would do something about your facial hair.
So did you read the link? I know, its eleven pages and no video, but be brave. You might learn something, at the very least some new Air Force terms to enrich your active fantasy life.
Hi mom,
Now I know why Dad left.
Your red-headed stepchild
p.s. Here's hoping you had a nice Mother's Day. Hope you enjoyed the prunes I sent.
Hi mom,
Now I know why Dad left.
I suppose it's for the best, he never was happy in that closet.
Hope you enjoyed the prunes I sent.
Not really, but it's the thought that counts.
Hi Mom,
Glad to finally hear from you. That finally explains Dad dancing around in your big white underwear. At least now, your makeup is YOURS. I bet you look hot at those nickel slots.
Your red-headed stepchild
Christmas is fastly approaching!! Your trailer or mine??
Vanity Fair for 9-11 info...
Do you read Sports Illustrated to get the lastest news from the war in Iraq?
Your Forgotten Love Child
Vanity Fair for 9-11 info...
Vanity Fair is a far better source of indepth reporting and George Clooney news than, say, some hacked together piece of nonsense 'Loose Change' video.
But I understand, dear, why you are having difficulty reading it- I really did try to catch you and the doctors did all they could, but the brain is a tricky thing. Maybe you could get the nice nurse to read it to you?
I see your mother is at it again. No matter what that harridan says my son is NOT a homosexual and neither is his roommate. They share a bedroom because that shrew robbed him blind during the divorce.
And you, doll, need to stop this conspiracy ridiculousness. Back in my day when we were pushing Schickelgruber into the ocean we didn't believe such fooferall. This Bush boy is not smart enough to pull off a stunt like that evil bastard Roosevelt, convincing the American public that a bunch of squinty-eyed japs could get past the world's greatest military and blow up Pearl Harbor all to justify his commie 'New Deal' agenda.
Just a quick note to let you know that I am back in the CIA and on a top secret mission in Pakistan. Can't reveal details but lets just say it rhymes with 'Bill Obama'.
God and country hooah,
Your father
Dear Mom,
I just pooped in my pants.
I just pooped in my pants.
That's nice, dear. Here have a cookie. Now please go to your room, the adults are talking.
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