Just sent my senator, Dianne Feinstein this email:
Unfortunately, you have become so corrupt I can no longer vote for you in good conscience. You voted for Judge Mukasey, a man who refuses to call water-boarding torture, who says the president is above the law. A Man who callously sent an AMERICAN CITIZEN to prison for three and a half years without a trial until through the torture Mukasey condones, Jose Padilla lost his mind. You have funneled nearly 1 billion dollars worth of reconstruction contracts to you husband Richard's company, disregarding the obvious conflict of interest. These latest actions, among others, show you no longer possess the integrity to represent us Californians.
Many years ago on several occasions, I served you cocktails in the Wattis Room during your attendance at the symphony. I thought you to be cordial and warm. I remember how you stepped up after Mayor Moscone and Harvey Milk’s murders. You calmed the city and it felt like someone was in charge at our most vulnerable moment. You brought a professionalism and strength to the office of Mayor. I voted for you. I’ve also voted for you the first time you ran for senate and every time you've asked to be re-elected.
You took San Francisco and California into the national political scene which now makes our state a more formidable presence than ever before. Your politics were always more conservative than mine, but you so often made decisions and cast votes I could live with, so I’ve continued to support you as my elected official.
But no more Senator Feinstein. You current despicable actions have placed you into
’Lieberman Land’. Another turncoat democrat without integrity or honesty. You should perhaps join Senator Lieberman in his “Party of One.” The two of you could get a table for two and discuss why you’ve gone astray from democracy and let greed, ego and self-intrerest become the ONLY factor in your decision making for the country. I will never vote for you again and shall work tirelessly to see you are not re-elected. That you are never allowed to shame my state and the Democratic Party. I doubt you feel shame over the bad choices you have made in your self-interested votes, no doubt you have lost that element of ethos long ago, yet another trait you share with the GOP and certainly this criminal administration.
I encourage you to change course before you are defeated in 2012.
Sincerely, (my true name, USAF Veteran)
Great letter. Send it to the newspaper, too.
You should perhaps join Senator Lieberman in his “Party of One.” The two of you could get a table for two and discuss why you’ve gone astray from democracy and let greed, ego and self-intrerest become the ONLY factor in your decision making for the country.
Okay, I'm only going along with this idea because she's too old to have his babies.
Maybe the Republics have a picture of DiFi without her makeup that they are threatening to make public.
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