One reason I'm grateful I don't have children:
Consumer Product Safety Commission chief Nancy Nord and her predecessor "have taken dozens of trips at the expense of the toy, appliance and children's furniture industries and others they regulate," according to internal records. Earlier this week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called on Nord to resign.Former Reichmarshall of "New Mexico Lawyers for Bush," Nancy Nord was made head of the government agency that is currently making sure all those lovely lead toys make it into your kid's mouth. WaPo has the scoop and Jon Carroll at SF Gate piles on. If I had children, they would be screaming, "Mommy make the scary lady go away!!"
How does Pelosi calling for the resignation of a Bush crony who endangers the lives of Americans, make her an idiot?
The results are in. Mike is a moron.
Good morning, Hope. Oh. my. God. That picture of the kid on the slide totally captures what it feels like to be a parent. Think of what you're missing out on!
Lead in toys, melamine in food, you can't tell where what ingredient is from and they've relaxed the "organic" standard so far it could apply to motor oil. Maybe the social darwinists are right and we're just raising a new generation of humans that is toxin-tolerant.
I guess I'm a moron also, because I too, think Pelosi is an idiot. Not for calling for a Bush crony's resignation, but that she has the audacity to call for anyone's resignation when she refuses to heed the call of over a million Americans for HER resignation. She is a Bush enabler.
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