Much talk around the blogosphere about the possibility of the Emperor Chimp declaring martial law, canceling the election and keeping power indefinitely.
Musharaff has declared a state of emergency, suspended the constitution of Pakistan, arrested and jailed lawyers from the opposition party, confiscated the cameras and recording equipment of journalists and fired the supreme court's chief justice. Is this a preview of coming events in America? Randi Rhodes has a good round-up of articles.
Holy shit, Hope, you didn't say that was Doug Thompson at Capitol Hill Blue coming out with those rumors. Oh, f#$&!! And I just put a depressing post up. Now I have to go find something warm and fluffy to put between it and THIS.
It's strange...in cars, they don't call those little red-and-yellow thingies "idiot lights" for nothing. The dashboard on this sled has been all lit up for quite a while.
Right. Just went back and checked the date on CHB article. Last January.
Still, there are an awful lot of pre-signed EOs out there. Bad, bad practice.
Bush would only have to fire 4 Supreme Court justices.
Marc...I llinked those older articles to demonstrate the build toward martial law has been going on for quite a while. Certainly since Bush stole office, and now the warnings seem sadly, more believable.
Marclord said "The dashboard on this sled has been all lit up for quite a while."
Great line. Unfortunately all too true.
I am reminded of the comedy film "Galaxy Quest" (a spoof on Star Trek) in which crew member "Guy" looks pensively at his unfamiliar screen and says "there's this red thingy moving toward this green thingy, and I think the green thingy is us!" Just then some space weapon impacts his ship.
So martial law is the red thingy and it looks like it's headed right toward the green thingy - US.
op99 - justices? we don't need no stinking justices...
there is one big difference bw Busharaf's situation and Mush's:
Mush's judiciary is handpicked by him. Busharaf's judiciary's standing up to him!
can you see American lawyers rioting on streets?!
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