"Hi my name is the 101st Congress, I'm a democrat, and my government has become unmanageable." Hi 101st.
It has become necessary to promote a congressional intervention on the sorry, sick, spineless, addicted-to terror congress and get them into a 12-step program pronto.
Their latest foray into the darkside is HR 1955, the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007. Ya gotta give it to 'em though, they sure know how to name a bill in order to scare people into capitulation. Isn't time to let your Senator (this bill has PASSED in the house already)that Orwellian thoughtcrime is OFF THE TABLE? This is YOUR fisrt step, please take it today.
However lame or ineffectual you may think writing, calling, emailing your senator seems, doing NOTHING, is infinitely more so. Please contact your senator and tell them that this thoughtcrime bill is an UNACCEPTABLE way to thwart terrorism and is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The senate version is s1959.
UPDATE: Yes, someone has started a petition. Please sign it.
An easy thing to do is to sign an online petition against HR 1955 / S 1959 at http://www.petitiononline.com/S1959/petition.html
Once we get enough signatures, anyone can print them out with the petition and present them to their Senator and any other appropriate officials.
Please send the link around - we need as much support as we can get.
I have posted a link to your petition. Thanks for sharing it.
The VeRy HOt Pee Act? The ViRile HOP Act?
Who can resist steamy urine or studly beer flowers? Sheesh. Have I mentioned today how much I hate these people?
It seems like Constitutionality is completely ignored these days when bills are written.
What's next, the RFID chip for monitoring what one thinks, but hasn't said?
I think you are confusing the Democratic Party with an institution that actually cares about your rights.
Read my mind Congress!
What can you do when 'democracy' (more like de-mockery) presents you with a choice between Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber?
"The Republicans are 95 percent corrupt and the Democrats are 75 percent corrupt. They are accepting money from the same corporations. And of course, that is going to corrupt you." -- Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
SBT your moniker so often says it as it is. I hate that.
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