Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sue The Pants off of Them

An interesting story unfolds: Dan Rather is suing CBS for damaging his reputation and making him a scapegoat in the "Bush goes AWOL" debacle. Good on you Mr. Rather, I hope you win and CBS gets its comeuppance.


Anonymous said...

And that a whole shitload of dirt comes flying out.

And that the Killian memos are either proven to be real, or we find out who forged them. And why "Buckhead" et al were able to hit the ground running so very quickly...

HopeSpringsATurtle said...

All good points Eli. I really can't wait for this thing to develop. But like all things 'bush-whacked' the revelations will come too late to make any difference.

SadButTrue said...

When are all the citizens of the United States of America going to sue the Bush administration? The damage they have done to the entire country's reputation is inestimable.

HopeSpringsATurtle said...

The answer to your rhetorical query SBT, is your pseudonym.

Sad, but True.

SadButTrue said...

It seems like the answer to a lot of questions echoes my pseudonym these days. Would that it were not so.