The new Democrats have told us that increasing the minimum wage has become their formost item to deal with in the upcoming 110th congress. I support this move with the caveat that since there is supposed to be a new "5 day work week", more than the minimum wage can be addressed. My personal druthers are that the debate needs to happen in regards to cutting the funding for the upcoming 130 billion dollar supplemental to fund this illegal, immoral "war on terror". I urge you all to make the commitment to contact your Congressperson (Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121) and Senators once a week to get this issue back on the table.
Back to the issue of minimum wage and in the spirit of cooperation, I give you a 30 second video produced by the United Way of Central Maryland. It so clearly illustrates why we need to increase the minimum wage and how truly dire the situation is for the people that continue to struggle on the measly $5.15 an hour as it now stands. Please watch the video entitled "Basic Needs".
Thanks for passing along this excellent message, Hope. I'd heard about it but didn't know where to look for it.
It's a wonder (and a bit of a shame) that the UW came up with it instead of some Dem candidate -- charity is good, responsible government better!
Meanwhile, I hope you and Dr. Turtle are about to have your best holidays yet!
This is such an important issue, Hope, and I am so glad you are showing the United Way PSA - I was very impressed with how it drives home the blunt reality of life for so many people.
It is also important to note that in those states which have raised the minimum wage, jobs have increased, not decreased as the Republicans are always trying to claim a raise would do.
I think the votes are there for a minimum wage increase - the American people certainly are behind it - and I think it would be veto-proof.
Thank you Lotey. I heard about this video somewhere and couldn't find it so I called the united way, left a message and they called me back. I evetually spoke with the media director for UWCM and he gave me the go-ahead to post it on YouTube. He called me an "angel" for wanting to get their message out beyond central Maryland.
Did UWCM realize the message you want to get out is to get the minimum wage raised, not necessarily to get people to give to the United Way? *g*
Did UWCM realize the message you want to get out is to get the minimum wage raised, not necessarily to get people to give to the United Way? *g*
Damn blogger. excuse the dupe.
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