...And We Have To Stop It.I am aware that we, as Progressives are being
inundated with so many issues that it's difficult to see which end is up. Over on the East Coast, the Leiberman/Lamont campaign has people fired up; The Gulf Coast is
still a mess, awash with corruption far as the eye can see (though that can argueably be said about the whole country); Kansans running for the State House are all of a sudden 'cutting & running' to switch party affiliation (Rethuglicans to Donuthincrats) ; Texans are trying to replace Tom DeLay with yet another criminal, and everyone I know well, is up-in-arms about 9/11 (we won't go there currently). But in California, a little noticed but somewhat discussed, special election in June is what I think we need to focus on.
Give me just another moment of your time.This 'other stuff' is important, but if we don't begin acting now to get the
DNC and the
DEMAND that the voting machines (to be used in
90% of the elections in November) be
made tamper-proof, all the grassroots in the world will not save
another election from being
stolen by the criminal right-wing thugs currently in charge.
I realize this is not a 'sexy' story. Not a fight that gets your hackles up. But we already know that getting Democrats to the polls in great numbers is like
herding cats. We need every vote to count. How many times have you heard," My vote won't count anyway..."? It would appear that this, is indeed ,true if the party mechanics now in place are allowed to continue on their present course.
A little backstory and some links to find out for yourself that this
IS what we need to be doing.
This election in San Diego's CA50 is bogus. And this isn't just about California or Mexico. Brad Blog has all the details and links:
http://www.bradblog.com/This BradBlog article is a good place to start:
http://www.bradblog.com/?p=3002And please
watch the video of Catherine Crier:
http://www.bradblog.com/?p=3056Another easy-to-do thing is listen to the Air America show "Ring of Fire" the 07/08/06 show.
This great show is hosted by Robert F Kennedy Jr. and Mike Papantonio. The first segment is on tort reform (which you can skip or not) and the rest of the program focus is on democratic stategies for the upcoming elections and the voter fraud scandal. Please try and listen to this program and lets begin to find the energy and resources to get back our votes. Here's the link:
http://www.airamerica.com/premium/podcasts.php?type=free the interview with Brad starts at 1:03:30
I really believe that this administration is now and has been, changing the very structure of our Democracy. They are re-making and
instutionalizing the changes that are at base, the structural paradigms of how Our country operates. Well, they're not gonna take it without a fight.
And I guess my time is up. Thanks for listening. Now go check this stuff out.
I'm going to do some research and come back with some links and a strategy for taking back the country. I'll post on it in a few days. Please remember , WE NEED EVERYONE TO HELP. If you don't pitch in , who will?