The MRAP, the lifesaving Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicle with the v-shaped hull which provides significant protection from IED's has been deemed "too expensive" for US military but just right for the Iraqi soldiers we train. Have I mentioned today how much I hate these people? USA Today finally writes up the obvious.
On Dec. 22, 2004 two weeks after President Bush told families of servicemembers that "we're doing everything we possibly can to protect your loved ones" a U.S. Army general solicited ideas for an armored vehicle for the Iraqis. The Army had an "extreme interest" in getting troops better armor, then-brigadier general Roger Nadeau told a subordinate looking at foreign technology, in an e-mail obtained by USA TODAY.Thanks to the US taxpayer though, Blackwater USA has plenty of MRAP's for their highly paid assassins. Thanks BushCo for all your support of the troops.
In a follow-up message, Nadeau clarified his request: "What I failed to point out in my first message to you folks is that the US Govt is interested not for US use, but for possible use in fielding assets to the Iraqi military forces."[Emphasis mine]
H/T to Lotus and RF for the linkies.
1 comment:
As if we needed any more proof that diverting tax dollars to favored contributors trumps any consideration for "higher values."
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