Just got this in an email, thought I'd share. This test is based on Carl Jung and Isabel Myers-Briggs typological approach to personality. As it turns out, I’m a ENFJ “Teacher Idealist.” Take the test (about 5 minutes), and tell me what type you are in the comments.
People on my list:
Oprah Winfrey
Mikhail Gorbachev
Billy Graham
Ralph Nader
John Wooden
Martin Luther King Jr.
Margaret Mead
Pope John Paul II
iNTj "Mastermind Rational"
I always thought of myself as a finagler -"mastermind" sounds so much better.
Good people in my category: Jane
Austen, Charley Rangel, Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy.
Bad people on my list: Don Rumsfeld, Bill Bennett, Rudy Giuliani, Colin Powell, Arnold Schwartzenegger.
I am also an INTJ/INTP. Other analysts may have called it the Cassandra or Christ complex.
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