While even bothering to correct Pastor Roger Byrd's punctuation, WSPA in South Carolina, reports Pastor Byrd-brain has put up this offensive message on his church's sign:
"Obama Osama humm are they brothers?"

Just wondering (humm) if the righteous wrong-reverend and cracker-boy here are related:

These are the fools who'll vote for McSame.
From the first link:
Jonesville Church of God does not have any African American members.
Gee, go figure.
So, let's see, by Rev. Byrd's logic:
Bird ... Byrd
Are they of the same mind?
I just want people to think about these things. If he has a bird's brain, he might not be human.
cujo 359 - no, birds are actually quite intelligent.
I had a friend in college who's brain was damaged from lack of oxygen during heart surgery. He had trouble expressing himself when he got agitated - otherwise he was normal. When he got frustrated, he would stammer and then blurt out "Oh, Jesus Christ and S*** F*** Fire!"
I have adopted his phrase. When I see people like this I just say "Oh, j c s f f"! Such "morans" deserve no more of my time or effort.
These rednecks always go on my nerves. One day, one of them will step on my toe and I will whack living geebers out of him, I mean ass whoopin' ain't nothing what I would do.
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