The emperor-chimp, was AWOL during an emergency yesterday when this tragedy occurred. He made his statement regarding the Minneapolis bridge moments ago. He spoke about the tragedy for about a minute without mentioning the victims. He used his next few minutes to BLAME Democrats for not prioritizing certain bills in congress and talk about his tax cuts.
I really do hate these people.
Respectfully, I hate them more. The deepth of my loathing can't be measured.
Bush is a crass opportunist if ever there was one. Watch him use this bridge attack to invade Canada.
Because it's near Minnesota.
op99...As a Canadian, I would like to repeat one of the Coward-In-Chief's utterances.. bring him on!
I would love to kick his sorry ass back across the border.
Lol...Welcome Bob, give me a holler if you need some help.
The "Katrina Treatment" should start showing up all over the place pretty soon.
We've only had a sample.
Of course, it is far more important for Paris Hilton to get a few more lines of blow with her tax rebates than it is to fix a bridge. Priorities, man!
Here in Japan the same could happen, but at least some politicians would have the decency to "fall on their sword" and resign in shame.
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