Equally telling in the "GOP bathroom problem" is the inherent homophobia. Certainly expected on the right but sadly from the left as well, just more subtly. Already I'm pretty sick of 'gay jokes'. The Nation blogger Richard Kim pens that side of the story:
"...I wonder if the GOP's burgeoning "bathroom problem" isn't reflective of something larger than just a bunch of conservative dudes who couldn't come out of the closet. There's something palpably sad to me about what happened to Allen and Craig too, something oddly touching about their misplaced faith in the fading world of secret, anonymous gay sex. That world--once found in bathrooms, parks, piers and adult bookstores; the furtive refuges of adventuresome queers, married men, the curious--has been swept away by so many police raids, privatization schemes, quality of life campaigns and internet dating services. But mostly, it's fallen away as gays have become increasingly integrated into the mainstream, and also, paradoxically, more marked than ever."
Why are cops devoting valuable resources to hounding gays in bathrooms? Aren’t there some terrorists whose civil rights need violating?
I thought the very same thing but truly, sex does not belong in a public bathroom. Too bad "law and order" seems only to be applicable to Gays and Democrats...
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