...An Army criminal investigator said the manner of death for Staff Sgt. Ryan Maseth, 24, of Pittsburgh, has been changed from accidental to negligent homicide because the contractor failed to ensure that “qualified electricians and plumbers” worked on the barracks where Maseth died, according to the document.
...The Green Beret died of cardiac arrest on Jan. 2, 2008. He was electrocuted while taking a shower in his barracks in Baghdad. He was assigned to the 5th Special Forces Group at Fort Campbell, Ky.
...KBR was previously owned by Halliburton Co., the oil services conglomerate that former Vice President Dick Cheney once led. Congressional Democrats long have complained that KBR has benefited from its ties to Cheney. Read the rest...
This is only one of more an a dozen deaths in barracks showers due to unqualified electricians and plumbers used by KBR, the former subsidiary of Dick Cheney's Halliburton. The former vice president still has an undisclosed amount of Halliburton stock and has directly financially benefited from the billions of dollars paid to Halliburton and its subsidiaries over the duration of the occupation in Iraq. Any doubts about why this "war" was waged? The next thing on the Obama agenda should be investigations, prosecutions, and jail time.
I suppose it's wishful thinking to hope that the end of his administration would mean the end of these things happening...sigh.
In fact this incident did happen on Dubya's watch but at least some justice should come out the other side. That man and his minions made such a mess of this country that it will take O two terms to stem the damage. Godspeed Mr. President.
What's always been especially disturbing about all these incidents, from the point of view of someone who spent a long time in the defense business, is that it's quite clear that there's been no investigation and/or followup of these things. This has been going on for years. Even assuming there was a negligent contractor going all over Iraq installing dangerous showers, the first of these deaths could have been easily prevented by a proper inspection regime, let alone the twelfth.
I won't be in the least surprised if it's discovered someday that Cheney or someone else in the White House kept these corrections from happening.
He died for freedom--Halliburton's financial freedom.
When will parents put a stop to kids "joining up"? There is no threat to defend against. There is no honor in serving corporate interests. Stop already.
What a beautiful young man. What a senseless loss.
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