I'm thinking this may not be the best RNC chant line during the speech of a former 2nd place beauty queen from the hinterland (isn't that a Community Chest card in Monopoly?). I'm just saying. And is it an accident that Sarah Palin was Miss Wasilla 1984? Enquiring Minds want to know...
Does anyone else think she has 'crazy eyes'?
In linky-love redux, I have to include WaterTiger's Best.Contrast.Compare.Ever.
Is it me? Or does Sarah Palin look like Dick Cheney in Drag?

I think she's a sort of mirror-universe Cheney. The lip curl starts from the opposite corner, and just about everything else about their appearance is completely opposite.
It's still creepy though.
Do you think we live in the universe where Spock has a goatee, too?
Spock would look good with a goatee...
"Beware of pretty faces that you find. A pretty face can hide an evil mind..." from the song Secret Agent Man. sURE HOLDS TRUE.
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