Boots on the Ground by Dusk: My Tribute to Pat Tillman is the chronicle of truth-seeking by a mother who's son was most likely fragged. It appears to be a must-read for those opposed to the war/occupation, and those who believe the rosy picture painted by the Bushies.
The Arizona Republic, a decidedly right-leaning newspaper, has a good read on Mary Tillman's crusade for the facts leading to her son's death, and an attempt to breach the truth/information divide engineered by BushCo. Mary Tillman will appear tonight on 60 Minutes and hopefully the light bulb of knowledge and the rage that follows such enlightenment, will rouse the American ire to at the very least, a dull roar.
UPDATE: Just watched the Mary Tillman segment on 60 Minutes. I sure do dislike Katie Couric, the MSM has it nose so far up the corporate ass they cannot conduct an interview or make an inquiry that questions the BushCo/Pentagon line. The questions were weak with no follow-up and the biggest question wasn't asked, "Who killed Pat Tillman?" Nor was the the fact revealed that Pat Tillman's autopsy showed he had been shot in the head three times at a range determined to be 10-15 yards. Hardly a distance a fellow unit member would be unable to identify Pat or not see the 'cease fire' signal he and other unit members consistently flashed during the "friendly fire" incident. While Couric questioned the newest ass-kisser in the cabinet, Sec. of the Army Pete Gehren, she barely questioned him past his response that, "there was no purposeful deceit or cover-up." Whatever Katie and 60 Minutes, whatever.
sounds like a fascinating read...
thanks for the heads-up!
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BlueBerry Pick'n
can be found @
ThisCanadian com
"We, two, form a Multitude" ~ Ovid.
"Silent Freedom is Freedom Silenced"
"do no harm"
Wish they would have asked that question about the autopsy. IIRC, the reason the coroners thought the shots were from close range wasn't anything to do with direct physical evidence (powder burns wouldn't have been visible at that range), but because the shots were very close together. It was an inference, IOW. It's certainly a point worth discussing, but they apparently dropped it.
Good point about the bullets Cujo. Couric could have certainly pressed on any of the inconsistencies and I would have been more satisfied than I am. The whole thing came off to me as, "nothing to see here folks, move along..." and that's what pisses me off most. Thanks for your input.
Makes you wonder why the corporate media bothers to have these guests on in the first place if they are just going to sabotage what they have to say. Why not just ignore them completely?
You're getting the crap spammed out of ya, Hope.
Katie Couric is a session with a STD. I never watch, and never intend to.
As far as Tillman goes, clearly the moronic monkey intended to have himself a Horst Wessel for his propaganda purposes, and Jessica Lynch didn't work out because she lived and set the record straight (although the MSM knows little or nothing of this.) They saw their mistake, and sought to "correct" it with Tillman. Dammit, HE didn't work out as a Horst Wessel either. What's a brain-addled monkey to do?
I love how the US military has not only decided they wanna be 'Kreepy Khristian Krusaders'... (have you seen those emblems they're rolling out in the 'Khristian' military bases?)
but that OMG! there is porn to be found in the conflict theatre.
can't have that!... I understand some of those magazines, like Hustler, aren't big on the propaganda...
maybe if they just pump 'em full of BigPharma's re-uptake inhibitors... rather than natural seretonin?
yeah, that's it...
meanwhile... let those KBR & personel-on-personel rapes roll... can't get in the way of good ol' wholesome rape on your comrades or "those brown people who deserve it for being so coy under all that clothing... ".
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BlueBerry Pick'n
can be found @
ThisCanadian com
"We, two, form a Multitude" ~ Ovid.
"Silent Freedom is Freedom Silenced"
"do no harm"
I killed my TV a long while back. I don't know how the truth will be told to the masses in the USA, I just know it won't happen via teevee.
Maybe word of mouth and "word of blogs" like yours.
I'm telling you-Tillman was their second choice for their version of Horst Wessel. They started off with Jessica Lynch, but she survived (and told the truth.) They were gonna make damn sure they did everything "right" this time.
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