Since I do claim the mantle of 'neophyte', I might be excused from the expression of emotional dyspepsia in which I find myself currently embroiled. I appreciate the indulgence and reiterate, where to start? What is appropriate to divulge to a worldwide audience while still maintaining one's relative anonymity? Imagine giving your entire life history on a first date. So not cool. But I shall press onward, into a hopefully appropriate chronicle of the incredible adventure of two people in love and where it went wrong.
To begin, I did not see this coming at all. I swear. No red flags, no yellow flags even. I was completely blindsided by the devastating course of events that began with the innocuous act of finding and giving away a stray kitten. Who knew?
Brief synopsis of the events that occurred in late-December, just before Christmas:The previously mentioned found kitten was hopefully going to be adopted by a nurse at the Air Force base (the one I just left). It was a Saturday, and I had errands while the aforementioned nurse was to visit our home and see the kitten for possible adoption. I was gone 3 hours and called home to see if she had taken the cat. My beloved told me, "Yeah it's done wanna meet for a beer?" "Sure," I say and am looking out for the nurse who is to arrive before Doc Turtle to our little local tavern.
The nurse arrives. I approach her and introduce myself. We order a beer. Doc T shows up moments later, and we embark on a festive Saturday evening. Normal getting-to-know- you conversation ensues between the three of us. It is of course clear that Doc T and I are married, our matching rings are commented on, etc. About 30 minutes later, Two of Doc's interns from the hospital show up and we all begin to socialize.
Being Saturday night, the place fills up fast and music, wine and song ensue. The evening goes on and my betrothed and the nurse get quite drunk and I'm informed that she can't drive and will all crash at our place. Okay, no problem, I am the hostess with the mostess. We arrive back at our house (me driving) and I set up the guest room for our "guest." I announce I'm going to shower the bar off me and go off and get a nice, hot shower. My considerate lover virtually always lays out clothes for me after I shower, yet when I'm finished with my ablutions--nothing. Minutes later after I've dressed, Doc shows up and announces that the nurse needs socks. Okay, take these. Ten minutes go by and I'm curious as to how long it takes to deliver foot coverings. I creep up the stairs to the guest room and encounter a stillness that immediately makes me uncomfortable. I see the closed door to the guest bedroom, approach it furtively, and hear the distinct sounds of--you guessed it--sex. Shut the fuck up. No really. I open the door and find Doc Turtle and Nurse Ratched in full bloom. In my own house? In front of me? Are you fucking kidding me?

Over the next four days, we talk more, have lunch together and have 'make-up sex' every night. It will be the last times there will be any semblance of the last five years of our relationship.
Tune in next time for the "Break-Up." I thought this shit only went on in soap operas. Okay, fair enough, call me naive.
So show us a picture of yourself and the Nurse. We want to know if Dr. T had any rational reason to throe you under the bus!
No picture of the nurse but trust me, I'm better looking.
That is a very sad story, to say the least, but I must confess that your tags had me LMAO.
It is always a shock to find out how selfish and hurtful people can be. You got even less respect than Rodney Dangerfield. This guy must be related to Rudy Giuliani?
Take care.
I certainly trust you, hope!
No picture of the nurse but trust me, I'm better looking.
*wistful sigh*
The Doc is a FOOL.
Had they just met, or did they know each other and this had been building up for a while?
Anyway, I'm sure you can do better, what with you being a knockout and all.
The Predator nurse works in the ICU...they worked together. Now they sleep together. Thanks Eli for your sweetness...
Keep in mind humans aren't all that far removed from their ancestor tapeworms or sponges, for that matter.
Add to this lowly pedigree the glut of racy hospital t.v. shows, and you have life mimicking art. Sadly.
I am sorry for you, but you can certainly do better. Stay strong.
Thank you Lisa for your kindness. I found my way to your blog and what a blessing. Thank you for the work you and Ranger do there. I'm adding you to my blogroll.
You are welcome. We'll certainly return the favor. I must reconfigure the bloroll list, and it seems you will go under veteran bloggers, right?
Keep up the good work, too. My thoughts will be with you during this trying time. (There is karma, BTW!) If you live in S.F., you live in one of the country's greatest cities, so at least that. (For perspective, you're not blanketed under snow in N.D., looking like Frances McDormand in Fargo!)
That really is a fine-looking torso, Hope. I just had to come back lurking to see it again.
Friendly, supportive, kindly pervs always welcome Vig. LOL...
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