Dennis Kucinich withdrew his bid for the presidency today. Sad. He says he has a bigger cause which is to introduce a house resolution for articles of impeachment on Chimpy and resecure his house seat in the upcoming election.. His cause is true, but I'm sad I'm unable cast my protest vote for him. I will support and promote his house resolution, and vote for John Edwards in the California primary, absentee, of course.
The turmoil in my own life mirrors the absolute idiocy of the race for the White House. I'm stunned at the twists and turns my life has taken over the last month. Nothing beyond what lots of people have been through, and it's certainly not the end of the world, but soul shattering and life changing nonetheless.
How blessed am I to have the support of near strangers on this blog and from avenues unexpected. A good life lesson for the power of the human spirit and our true desire to be part of something we care about and believe in. I thank you all for your words of encouragement, it helps tremendously.
So my response is continue to "follow your bliss" and fight for what you know is right. Don't let the bastards get you down. Today is tomorrow's yesterday and nothing will exist in the future that is not created now. Carpe diem and stay true to yourself no matter how difficult.