Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Need I say more? I just closed up my precinct here in Northern California (election judge) and it was extraordinary. I'm coming off 16+ hour day, am exhausted but happy. I'm goning to eat, drink be merry and shower. I'll check in tomorrow but WOO HOO!! change is a comin'...


Cujo359 said...

Thanks for being an election judge. In some places, at least, we clearly don't have enough of them. This election seems to have gone better than the last two presidential races, though.

Change is coming? I'm not so sure. Obama's choice for WH CoS isn't too inspiring.

HopeSpringsATurtle said...

I agree Cuj..I can't stand Rahm. But He can do a pretty good bulldog when it suits him. I've thought O was a little too"soft" all along but his quiet calm and really smoothly run campaign gives me hope that his discipline will bring a new spirit to the Dems. I think he's gonna put his foot down about the "circular firing squad" we tend to become. Not only do we now have a grown-up in the WH but he feels like a dad who loves you but won't let you get away with shit. And I hope he gets a taster, especially during the transition.

Cujo359 said...

Personally, I hope Obama is the sort of person who wouldn't hear of having a taster.

If Obama wants to lead, I think he can take the Democrats in Congress with him, at least on some issues. Whether he wants to will be the big question. It's not an easy thing. If you believe that past is prologue, Obama's past doesn't offer much hope in that regard.

My only real expectation is that Obama will refuse to get us involved in any more useless wars, and maybe will get the budget situation under control. Beyond that - well, I guess the good thing about having low expectations is that you're seldom disappointed...

HopeSpringsATurtle said...

The low expectations thing is a double edged sword -- we also need hope and my other sister, Faith. we must believe in the power of providence. That elusive but powerful confluence that occurs when we move forward in spite of doubt.

Get on my back Brother Cujo, I'll carry you across the line.

Cujo359 said...

To me, the danger of low expectations is that those are what you'll settle for. Poke me once in a while when I seem to be settling, and you probably won't have to drag me very far...

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