Actual excerpt from a monthly horoscope forecast for February: If you are born on February 20, plus or minus four days, the eclipse on this date will have special meaning to you. The universe wants you to use your time on Earth well and will quickly pull you out of unproductive relationships that appear to have no future.In a romantic situation, if you are not loved in equal measure, what good is the relationship? Although sometimes leaving a relationship can be terribly painful, ultimately it can work for good, for you would free yourself to find someone better.
Who says astrology is nonsense? Anyway, today I will do something to please myself. Wish me luck.
Well, now, Happy Birthday to you, Hope! And what a perfectly apt horoscope. I have learned to keep an open mind about them, for sure!
Happy Birthday, Hope! Sorry to hear of your woes. I can say from experience though, that some of the things that depressed me most, turned out, in time, to be blessings-in-disguise. I'll keep you in my prayers, Sister. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
Thanks Marc and Tim. The blessings you both send are appreciated and absorbed. Hugs to you both.
Birfday greetings, and better times ahead.
をたんじょび おめでとう ございます!
Happy Birthday!
Wow, your special day is just two away from that of my SO, "K". I don't know that I want to share that horoscope with her ;^) but it sounds like good advice and support for you.
Celebrate yourself.
Panda..it had another section of course, in regards to those in strong relationships. Something about business partners. Thanks for the warm wishes.
Happy Birthday, Hopie!
I'm gob-smacked - you and Dr. T seemed so solid. I'm sure you can (and will) do better, though.
Gob smacked is you and me both Eli. I thought we were so solid too. I'm still stunned. You should call me...
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